Telephone prospecting is essential for any business. Depending on whether it is commercial prospecting by email or commercial prospecting by telephone, the preparation methods can vary. How to prepare telephone prospecting, we talk about it.
Telephone prospecting : general

Prospecting is a marketing practice consisting of seeking new target customers or returning to an existing customer to offer new services. Telephone prospecting
The first trend is to want to trivialize the preparation of commercial prospecting by telephone, thus trusting in our memory and our ability to convince the client .
However, this form of commercial prospecting is also to be taken seriously like sending emails or messages to companies.
However, this form of commercial prospecting is also to be taken seriously like sending emails or messages to companies.
Prepare well for telephone prospecting

Contrary to what one might think, telephone prospecting can be difficult. Indeed, in marketing you should not always trust your memory because it can happen that the key data concerning your company, Oh the service you want to offer to the customer, escape you, so it is advisable to make a list .
Make a list of things to talk about
It would be interesting to make a list and in particular of the different products and services that you want to tell the customer about. The preparation of the can vary depending on the nature of the commercial prospecting. Depending on whether it follows a first contact from the customer , or a second contact.

How to prepare the speech of your commercial phoning?
To start a telephone prospecting campaign, you need a file of qualified prospects . If you don’t have one yet, go back to the top of this article and follow the link to build one. You will discover different prospecting methods.
Then, write yourself a telephone interview guide (a telephone script with several conversation scenarios):
- A hard- hitting contact with a promise of profits (use for example the Elevator Pitch Commercial technique )
- List and memorize your key arguments (the CAB Method can help you to be customer benefit oriented)
- Anticipate all the potential telephone objections that come to mind (you will complete this list over the phoning calls). Bring to each objection a powerful answer capable of convincing your prospect to grant you this appointment. Over time, you will refine your responses to objections and master your sales message.