Reaching more people is one of the priorities of companies providing services. Via social networks in order to generate organic traffic or paid traffic to their site. This in turn allows them to increase their audience and easily sell their product. Therefore, to achieve this, it would be necessary to choose the appropriate social marketing strategy . Or, failing that, entrust this task to knowledgeable Marketing agencies .
There are two types of social media marketing : organic traffic and paid traffic. The difference between the two is mainly due to the budget. The content of organic traffic is published for free
Difference between organic traffic or paid traffic

Paid traffic content is posted with spend to help you reach larger audiences. A large audience. When users factor in the free elements of organic traffic. Such as postal sharing on Facebook or two-way conversations with users on Twitter. This can be perfect for independent businesses looking to stretch their marketing dollars. Organic social posts will appear in people following you feeds. Your posts will be shown to more people than your audience shares and engages with them. In this specific case, companies can create their social community. Then direct them to websites for further engagement.
In contrast, the paid traffic category involves sponsored advertising content. Or paid for on social media in the form of pictures, videos and carousels. You can reach thousands of followers in record time depending on your subscription. Paid social posts will be featured in the feeds of the audience you decide to target. Depending on the platform, ads can be targeted to users based on location, shopping habits or personal interests, or on the beliefs of those communities.
What to know about organic traffic?

Unlike organic traffic, paid traffic puts your content directly in front of users who are likely showing more definite interests. The paid traffic and organic traffic modes can come together for a little while.
For example, you can pay to “boost” an organic post to get it on more people’s News Feeds. This is often an effective strategy for organic positions that perform particularly well. Why post organic social content? Organic traffic or paid traffic
When preparing to post a new video or piece of content on social media, the first question to ask yourself is, “Do I want to reach existing customers or new customers?” If you want to reach existing customers and those customers are already following you on your social network, then organic traffic should do the trick.
It is also important to remember that your organic pages are like a social website. They market your brand to potential customers who search for you on the social network along the way to deciding to do business with you. And more and more people are looking to know the company to learn more about the brands. Organic traffic or paid traffic.
Difference between organic traffic and paid traffic

According to a survey, 58% of consumers visit a brand’s social pages before visiting their website. And that’s an 81% increase from last year. When these consumers visit your social pages, it’s the organic content you’ve shared that they’ll see.
Why invest in paid traffic? If you’re just getting started, paying traffic might feel intimidating, but it can be a fantastic way to generate sales, drive traffic to your website, and more.
It takes a bit more know-how – than organic traffic – but it’s a skill worth adding to your online work strategy. Still according to statistics, the number of consumers who make purchases after seeing ads on the social network is increasing nowadays.
In fact, 24% more consumers made a purchase after seeing a paid social ad in 2019 compared to 2018. And businesses are finding success with paid social ads. Almost 96% of marketers have placed an ad on a video and 91% are happy with the return of their social video marketing, according to our recent survey.
What do you understand?

This would therefore mean that you have the possibility of choosing among the two existing key Marketing strategies . Organic traffic and paid traffic. Both have their advantages and specific modes of operation even if sometimes one might be tempted to confuse them. However, organic traffic, which is actually free, generates interactions on your site from your social network. It addresses and offers your products and services to a large but general audience.
While the paid traffic addresses – against remuneration from you – your products and services to the public which has more a definite interest to use them and to obtain them therefore. You do boosting. Your products and services will appear in the customer feeds that are timely and useful to you at the right time.
Even if these two Marketing strategies offer substantially the same services, the fact remains that paid traffic is more recommended to quickly boost your activities and generate more traffic on your site, consequently making more income for your business. . Organic traffic or paid traffic.