The evolution of digital has consolidated certain professions such as that of digital advisor, telephone advisor and similar. Here are the communication errors to avoid. Having the telephone as the main working tool in contact with customers, they must master the right communication tips. This is all the more important as it is also valid for all those who use a smartphone. Here are some mistakes to avoid during phone conversations.
Making or taking phone calls is so routine that you can unknowingly develop bad behavior. We are still not aware that it is necessary to adopt good manners, to have good habits. Here are the communication errors to avoid .
In fact, there are some mistakes you should not make over the phone so as not to upset your interlocutor.

Here are the communication errors to avoid; Do not eat on the phone
When you get a phone call, especially avoid eating. This automatically changes the tone of your voice and the person you’re talking to has trouble understanding you, hearing the message. Also, it is actually a lack of respect for whoever is calling you. The fault will be even more serious if it is a superior.
Avoid speaking in a low voice
In a business phone call, it all boils down to what you hear. No visual sign. So pay attention to your voice and the distinct pronunciation of the words. Unless the person is very familiar with you. And it can also depend on the nature of the conversation and the time of day.
Avoid making promises or making spontaneous commitments
In your phone conversations, don’t make commitments or make thoughtless promises. This may cast doubt on the sincerity of what you said, or if not, you might regret the next moment. Here are the communication errors to avoid.
Rather, it is advisable to ask your interlocutor for a reasonable time for reflection. You could say for example: “Thank you, I will analyze your proposals and get back to you for my answer.” Or “Could you give me some time to think it over, even if it means that I will come back to you shortly for the answer”.
The list is not exhaustive, there are a multitude of polite expressions that you can use to ask your interlocutor time to think. Here are the communication errors to avoid.
Have you ever said something to a coworker or employee that you later regretted? If you’re struggling to maintain good communication with your team, it’s time to reassess. Take a look at these 3 common communication mistakes. Are you guilty of any of them?

1. Assumptions
You know the saying, assume makes you a… donkey. A good way to stop assuming everything is to assume that you don’t know anything. Whenever you are tempted to react to a situation, stop and ask yourself if you have all the facts. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and make judgments when we only know part of the story. Here are the communication errors to avoid.
2. Don’t listen
Maybe it’s the technology or maybe we just got lazy – anyway, listening is a lost art. You can’t just sit there for a whole conversation trying to figure out what to say next! Good communication requires speaking and listening . Even if you don’t care what is said, show respect by listening. After all, this is what you would want others to do if you were the one talking. Here are the communication errors to avoid. Here are the communication errors to avoid.
3. Laziness
Good communication takes time and effort. But so often we’re in such a rush to get our point across (or don’t care enough about trying harder) that we fail to communicate well . Whenever you need to say something to someone, ask yourself a few questions such as: Here are communication mistakes to avoid

- What mode of communication is most appropriate for this message (face to face, email, phone call, etc.)?
- What is the communication style of my audience?
- How can I communicate this in such a way that they receive it well and understand clearly?
- How is what I’m about to say going to manifest itself in light of what this person already knows?
- Am I including all the information they need? Am I including unnecessary facts or side notes?
These are just a few of the questions you should get in the habit of asking yourself. Team Insight Plus can help you with an even deeper look at how you communicate. We will help you learn to communicate better. Because how you communicate is just as important as what you communicate. And when you take the time to get it right the first time around, the payoff is huge.