One of the most used features on smartphones today is arguably the word suggestion on an Android mobile. Indeed, we use it when writing messages and especially when we want to finish quickly. The device offers words that we simply choose to formulate our sentences. How this smart memory develops in your smartphone. And what are the possible risks of using texts dictated by Android?

According to Wikipedia, autocomplete or word completion is a feature in which an app predicts the rest of a word that a user is typing.
AutoComplete speeds up human-machine interactions when it correctly predicts the word a user intends to type after only a few characters have been entered in a text entry field.
In Android and iOS smartphones, this is called predictive text. In graphical user interfaces, users can typically press the Tab key to accept a suggestion or the down arrow key to accept one of several. Suggestion of words on an Android mobile.
How does word suggestion work on Android?

These are the algorithms that take care of listing the words you use more frequently. Many autocomplete algorithms learn new words after the user writes them several times and can suggest alternatives based
on the learned habits of the individual user.
What consequences for your texts?
This feature available on devices will save you a lot of time during your entries. However, since the algorithms work on the basis of your previous words, they can mislead you. Either suggest a word that has no place or even present you with a word that you have had to misspell in the past. The risk is therefore that you will repeat the same mistakes every time.
To avoid this and take full advantage of automatic completion, you might as well take care to type your messages, sentences and each word correctly each time. By doing so, the algorithms will present you with texts devoid of errors in suggestion. Suggested words on an Android mobile