Have you run out of ideas to post on Instagram post Ideas ? Do you need to improve your content marketing? Today I bring you 8 content ideas that work very well on Instagram.
If you prefer more personalized ideas for your specific business, you can contact for an individualized marketing consultancy.
Instagram Post Ideas to Boost Engagement

1- Motivational content
Motivation is what changes our lives. Being motivated makes you feel happy with your life: you move, you act and results come. Posting motivational content helps change the lives of your followers . They live an authentic experience with you.
How to motivate them? You can launch weekly challenges . There is nothing that motivates us more than a challenge with other people. You can do the challenge of the week to wake up at 5 in the morning to make the most of the day, or be productive before work.
Another challenge can be to read 30 minutes a day articles about your sector and then share it in the comments of the publication. If you dedicate yourself to fitness you can put the challenge of 10,000 steps a day to your followers. They will feel comforted to share that they have met the challenge.
2- Educational content
An educated customer comes back for more. If you educate and train your Instagram followers, they will not want to leave your profile. Create tutorials solving doubts of your clients and followers. Ask what doubts they have to get it right better.
Use the Instagram Stories survey and questionnaire stickers to find out their doubts . You don’t know how much information you can get out of there. Tutorials can be in the form of infographics, photos, or even videos . Test which format works best and has more interactions.
You can also create educational content about your products. How do they work? Are we unaware of any hidden function? Depending on the product, you could educate how to use it during the day, at night or at a special event. For example, in clothing, makeup or hairstyle businesses.

3- Content with studies
Studies by experts or specialized agencies give your Instagram content a very professional touch. Not only professional but also a symptom of being up to date .Sign up to the specialized media in your sector to find out about all the studies they publish.
Put them in doubt, confirm their results according to your experience. Not all studies are well conducted or only take into account a part of the population. Once you trust that study, publish it in an original way . It can be an infographic with your corporate colors or a video explaining it along with your opinion.
For example, if you dedicate yourself to marketing, you could publish how many users each social network has. If you work in the beauty sector, you can publish studies on the colors of the year or trends. The same with your business or sector.
4- Inspirational content
Inspiring someone is one of the best feelings you can have. Those who are inspired never forget it. Inspire with your Instagram posts. You can do it with the typical famous phrase that causes so many controversies.
The phrases on Instagram are hated by a part of the users but they really work very well in terms of results . In addition to being an easy content to prepare. You can publish phrases from other personalities but it is better that it has to do with your sector.
His thing would be for you to be encouraged to publish your own phrases, yes, that really inspire . If you still don’t have that kind of inspiring phrase, nothing happens to publish those of other references. The important thing is to leave a mark.
If you dare you can create a video with an inspiring message for your followers . Here you would add the message that most inspires your image and voice. It would be the perfect content to inspire.

5- Fun content
On Instagram it is important to educate, entertain or amuse. Creating fun content gives an original and different touch to your account. But funny content must be very well thought out before. As it happens in the cinema, it is easier to make people cry than laugh.
There are jokes in bad taste that perhaps you find very funny. You must be careful. It takes a long time to build a good brand reputation but a second to lose it all.
You can create fun content in the form of an image, video or well-known memes but with phrases from your sector. You can send it to close contacts to see their reaction and so it is a gauge of whether it is good content or not.
6- Content of testimonials
Testimonials from people who have already tried your product give more confidence. There is nothing better than a recommendation . If it belongs to someone you know, much better, that’s why the influencer marketing business.
Talk to satisfied customers to leave their recommendation or offer them to record a video talking about their experience with your product.
You can offer them something in return like a discount on the next purchase, it depends on the business you have. Another option is to share a screenshot of your customer feedback. For example, from comments left on social networks, Internet forums, Google My Business or Amazon.
Reading good recommendations for your product encourages us to want to live what they are telling us. Encourage your satisfied customers to give their opinion.

7- Guest content at home
Invite your followers to enter your business virtually. Instagram is a good tool for this. Share photos of the factory where your products are built. Introduce us to the workers who make it possible.
If your business is carried out in an office, we want to know what it is like, how do you organize yourself, do you have a kitchen? What are you eating? The more you share, the more they can feel like family .
You can also record a video taking a tour of the facilities , especially if it is a place worth seeing. You could even raffle guided tours to your facilities depending on the business. Guest content at home or behind the scenes is entertaining, so it’s best to share it on days like Fridays or weekends that are more prone to lighter content.
8- Content with a lot of history
The contents with history are those that tell us the story behind the brand. That something else that never hurts to know. Share images or videos so that they know better the beginnings of your business or important moments .
You can post old photos if your business spans several generations of the family. The black and white photos give an idea of the history that the brand has. You can also publish your first office or office. Surely it sounds familiar to you to see the photo of the first office of Jeff Bezos in his house, when he created Amazon together with his wife.
You can take advantage of Thursdays to share old content under the hashtag #TBT (Throwback Thursday). These are some of the many contents that you can publish on Instagram. The important thing is to share regularly and have that original touch that makes you unique, that they recognize you from afar and want to see you again.
What content works best for you on your Instagram account?