Here is a very simple guide on how to create a Website from Scratch in Just One Hour.
STEP 1: Selection of the platform to create a website

First of all, you need to decide on which platform you are going to build a website. This issue requires special attention. There is a large selection of content management systems. It will be annoying if after a while you find out that the system you have chosen is totally unsuitable for you and your site.
Anyone can make a website with all the features and a beautiful design, even a beginner with modest knowledge of computers and all that is related to them. But keep in mind that choosing the wrong platform can turn out to be a big deal. Consult our experts to learn more about platform selection
Some platforms require basic knowledge of HTML / CSS or other coding languages, so you need to be smart about your abilities in this area. For beginners, the WordPress platform is ideal.
Create a website: why WordPress and not site builders?

Because WordPress is by far the easiest way to build a website. But there are more important reasons:
1. The WordPress platform is FREE and offers a wide variety of themes.
Downloading and installing WordPress is completely free. Additionally, the WordPress developer community has done a great job creating many beautiful themes and templates. This way, you can adopt a unique look and get your site up and running much faster than expected.
2. WordPress is suitable for both large and small sites.

A regular blog, a beautiful commercial site, an online store… The WordPress platform is perfect for almost any website. This platform is used by online giants like eBay, Mozilla, Reuters, CNN, Google Ventures and even NASA.
4. Your site will be “responsive”, meaning that it will work on any mobile device.
Your website will look great and work on any mobile device, including smartphones and tablets. You don’t even have to specifically hire a web designer .
STEP # 2: Find your domain name and hosting
To launch a new website, you need two things:
- Domain name (web address:
- Hosting (a service that connects your website to the Internet)
The WordPress platform itself is free, but the domain name and hosting will cost you around $ 3-5 per month. Your budget will not be affected by this amount.
Your own domain name looks stronger than a website on someone else’s domain (your In addition, the price is quite reasonable.
Plus, thanks to its own hosting, your site will load faster and run smoothly.
How do I find my domain name and my hosting?

We recommend using Cloudways , a popular hosting provider, with which you can host a website on the web and register a domain. Discover Cloudways’ offers , by clicking on this link: Web hosting for your WordPress site: Cloudways .
STEP # 3: Website setup
So you bought a domain name and decided on hosting. A beginning !
Now is the time to launch the website . The first thing you need to do is install WordPress on your domain.
WordPress installation
There are two ways to install the WordPress platform, one being MUCH easier than the other.
To create a WordPress site, use the “One-Click Install” feature.
Almost any self-respecting hosting offers a 1-click install feature for WordPress, which greatly simplifies the task.
If you have opted for or similar hosting, you will find this functionality in your account dashboard.
To learn more about the website setup process, our experts are available 24 hours a day. Please contact us by clicking on this link .